
Campionesse del mondo

NON CREDO ALLE differenze “organiche” tra uomini e donne. I due cervelli sono uguali. Le differenze di capacità hanno a mio avviso una prevalente, praticamente assoluta matrice culturale.

Un esempio? Tra i cento più grandi giocatori di scacchi ci sono due sole donne. Statisticamente improbabile, a meno che non pensiate che nel cervello femminile manchi il lobo degli scacchi.

Money quote: “That was in 1980, and one might imagine that in the past 35 years the world has changed significantly vis-à-vis girls and chess, but one would be wrong. As of May 2015, there are only two women who rank in the top-100 chess players worldwide. The United States Chess Federation states on its website that it has 85,000 members who are ‘predominantly male’. Scanning the ‘sex’ column on the World Chess Federation’s list of grandmasters is like reading a statistical overview of the men’s and women’s bathroom lines at a tech conference – of 1,479 grandmasters, 31 are women. That’s two per cent. Where are all the women chess players?”

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